Soft Skin & Bulletproof Vehicles

Argus Support Projects

ASP Support Catalogue

Soft Skin & Bulletproof Vehicles

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Soft skin and bulletproof vehicles for your project

We can provide soft skin and bulletproof vehicles to match your project requirements. We have access to a wide variety of solutions for diplomatic, security, humanitarian, police and military use. We can supply either soft skin cars or armored vehicles up to the highest level of protection.

Access to manufacturer’s stock

Meeting project deadlines often means having access to stock. Argus Support Projects has access to a wide range of distributors and manufacturers in the US, Europe and Asia. This means we can find what is in stock at this current moment, whether that is the standard Toyota, or an up armored Mercedes bulletproof vehicle.

International vehicle shipping

Our worldwide network assures that the vehicles’ location will be as close as possible to the final destination. We have experience shipping these goods around the world.

Please note that all sale of armored vehicles is subject to the issuance of an export permit from the relevant authorities.

Soft Skin & Bulletproof Vehicles Products

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