This UAV is the ISR drone version of the CAS piloted aircraft. Scalable and multi-sensor capable, it can be quickly reconfigured according to the missions. With a low visual, sound and IR/EM signature, the IC-10 CAS meets the need for discretion in air operations. Easily transportable (KC20) it offers a great flexibility of use. Its competitive price makes it possible to acquire a fleet that meets the permanent need for tactical situational awareness. This multi-mission light UAV is interoperable with current operational equipment of the end user.
Designed in carbon, our IC-10 and IC-D (MAME and MALE) aircraft combine high-tech performance and operational efficiency. Adapted to many types of missions (tactical reconnaissance, close air support, Air Interdiction, ISR and more), they allow real-time interaction with the needs of forces on the ground.
This ISR drone platform offers a versatile integrated defense technology solution, with future developments in new forms of operations.
Dimensions & Performance
Stealth features:
Multi sensors
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