This is an NIJ IV Stand Alone Comfort Cut Ballistic Plate that can resist armor piercing rounds. It is available in comfort cut (shooter’s cut) or standard shaped ballistic plate. The construction is ceramic/composite.
- NIJ IV protection
- Can stop the following rounds:
- 62 x 63mm(.30-06-CAL) 166-grain APM2
- 56 x 45mm M855
- 62 x 39mm PS BALL/MSC
- 62 x 39mm API BZ
- Size: 203 x 254 / 254 x 305 / 152 x 203
- Shape: Comfort Cut or Full Size
- Curvature: Single Curve
- Weight (kg): 1.1 to 4.3
- Thickness (mm): 25
- Construction: Ceramic/Composite
- Thickness: 1.0”